Outdated article
The Kubernetes project considers this article to be outdated because it is more than one year old. Check that the information in the page has not become incorrect since its publication.
Kubernetes Release: 0.15.0
Release Notes:
- Enables v1beta3 API and sets it to the default API version (#6098)
- Added multi-port Services (#6182)
- Added a controller framework (#5270, #5473)
- The Kubelet now listens on a secure HTTPS port (#6380)
- Made kubectl errors more user-friendly (#6338)
- The apiserver now supports client cert authentication (#6190)
- The apiserver now limits the number of concurrent requests it processes (#6207)
- Added rate limiting to pod deleting (#6355)
- Implement Balanced Resource Allocation algorithm as a PriorityFunction in scheduler package (#6150)
- Enabled log collection from master (#6396)
- Added an api endpoint to pull logs from Pods (#6497)
- Added latency metrics to scheduler (#6368)
- Added latency metrics to REST client (#6409)
- etcd now runs in a pod on the master (#6221)
- nginx now runs in a container on the master (#6334)
- Began creating Docker images for master components (#6326)
- Updated GCE provider to work with gcloud 0.9.54 (#6270)
- Updated AWS provider to fix Region vs Zone semantics (#6011)
- Record event when image GC fails (#6091)
- Add a QPS limiter to the kubernetes client (#6203)
- Decrease the time it takes to run make release (#6196)
- New volume support
- Updated to heapster version to v0.10.0 (#6331)
- Updated to etcd 2.0.9 (#6544)
- Updated to Kibana to v1.2 (#6426)
- Bug Fixes
To download, please visit https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/releases/tag/v0.15.0